I chose it for a few reasons including: It was designed by an Australian architect who is internationally recognised and is arguably our most famous architect. The building also would have been in our national capital and is very unique in design. With 'ramps winding around the circular upper void' and the fact it is a courthouse, I believe would make a very interesting example for us to model and create a virtual environment in UT3.....I can imagine it to be a great level in multiplayer type FPS games such as HALO etc.
The design itself has a v

Although it may be hard to model and much guestimating done on the detail (as it has been hard to get much detail of the floor plans) I think it would be a very interesting and challenging building to do and would definately be original.
Originality is important to me as many of the works done and studied through the course are a little less 'out there' and to model and study a fresh building will be an interesting challenge.
As you can see the building is not small and I am not 100% certain if the scale is to large for what we will need to do in UT3 as I am not familiar with that software at all but if it is achievable I quite like the feel of this design and the impact it gives when you see it.
I think I can put together good video presentations in adobe premiere of the creation of this and also map materials nicely in 3ds max. I think I would need some assistance using revit from my colleagues to model it who have more experince in a BIM than I do.
So in summary after browsing the net, I hit the library and stumbled across a book in which I have found a building that is of impressive impact and scale, is very unique and was designed by an Australian architect for what would have been the high court of Australia in the ACT, all important factors for me when thinking about the project at hand.

'Architecture for the new world. The work of Harry Seidler'
By Peter Blake
Horwitz Australia Ltd., Sydney
Wittenborn and Co.,New York
Karl Kraemer Verlag, Stuttgart
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